Health care

UT Health San Antonio joins UTSA Roadrunners to salute healthcare workers – UT Health San Antonio

With the toss of a coin, doctors from the Mays Cancer Center, home of the UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, started a day dedicated to health care workers and sports.

As part of the UTSA Athletics Salute to Health Care Heroes initiative, a team consisting of Kate Lathrop, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology and director of the Hematology Oncology Fellowship Program, and Shraddha Dalwadi, MD, assistant professor The Department of Radiation Oncology and breast radiation oncologist at Mays Cancer Center, celebrated the unparalleled sacrifice of healthcare workers during the Oct. 1 homecoming game. 19. In honor of this event, Lathrop and Dawaldi participated in a bell game to start the game.

Kate Lathrop, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology (center), and Shraddha Dalwadi, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology (right), tossed coins to start the game.

“This celebration was especially important to us as we thank all the healthcare workers who make UT Health San Antonio a leader in patient care throughout South Texas,” said Jeff Flowers, MBA , executive director of UT Health San Antonio Multispecialty and Research Hospital. . “We are excited to welcome more than 300 healthcare professionals who will help us open our first UT Health San Antonio hospital in December.”

“With the integration of the latest research, the latest technology and patient-and-family care, the hospital is ready to provide a level of care that has never been seen in this area,” said Robert Levence. MD, FACP, associate vice president of medical affairs for UT Health San Antonio and executive director of UT Health Physicians. Leverance also serves as the university’s vice president for medical affairs.

“South Texas patients will no longer have to travel far to receive critical care,” Leverence said. “With the opening of this hospital, patients at UT Health San Antonio will receive world-class care, which rivals the best in the world, right here in San Antonio.”

During the game, Flowers were joined on the field by hospital administrators Nancy Doolittle, DNP, RN, chief nurse; W. Allen Fink, DO, MHA, CPE, FACEP, FACHE, chief medical officer; Tim Evans, chief financial officer; and Robert Leverence, MD FACP, assistant director of clinical affairs for UT Health San Antonio, to thank health workers and the community for their support and participation in the establishment of the hospital.

Flowers says having the Mays Cancer Center and now a cancer-focused hospital gives South Texans access to an unprecedented level of multidisciplinary cancer care. . From cancer prevention, screening and early detection to complex surgery, targeted therapies and the development of new treatments, UT Health San Antonio is transforming cancer care in South Texas, he said.

“This year, we celebrate 50 years of serving our community. We are the only National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated in our area. We also recently hired Dr. Lei Zheng, a world-renowned pancreatic researcher from Johns Hopkins as our chief executive to lead our cancer program in the future,” said Mark Bonnen, MD, chief medical officer of the Mays Cancer Center.

UT Health San Antonio is the exclusive health care partner of the Roadrunners’ athletic programs. A medical team composed of Ken O. Kenneth-Nwosa, MD, team physician, and orthopedic surgeons Thomas DeBerardino, MD, Phil Jacobs, MD, and Ian Whitney, MD, are on the sidelines during home games to provide care if necessary.

The medical team focuses on preventing common injuries among all athletes, recognizing and treating concussions, understanding the role that proper stretching, hydration and nutrition play in keeping student athletes healthy, performing surgery if necessary and to determine when the student is fully recovered and safe. back to play. Student-athletes also have access to more than 800 other professionals within UT Health San Antonio.

Learn more about the patient care available at UT Health San Antonio.

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